Lincoln County FireSafe Council

Lincoln County FireSafe Council


The Lincoln County FireSafe Council is a diverse group that collaborates to promote FireWise efforts to the public, ensuring safety from fires in homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

The council plays a crucial role in increasing public awareness about local wildfire risks, motivating residents to take positive action, and offering homeowners the needed expertise and resources to get the job done. When individuals take responsibility for implementing and upholding FireWise practices on their properties, it greatly increases the chance of their homes surviving a wildfire.

By utilizing public programs, website, special events, and active engagement in fire mitigation at all levels of government, the council strives to minimize fire-related risks to lives and property in Lincoln County.

Lincoln County FireSafe Council Mission:

Our mission is to help reduce the loss of lives, homes and other high value resources from wildfire through FireWise Community programs and coordination between agencies, businesses, and private citizen coordination in the Wildland Urban Interface.

Lincoln County FireSafe Council Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Assist and recognize FireWise Communities in Lincoln County

  • Promote development of shaded fuel breaks around homes and communities

  • Review and provide recommendations for updates to the Lincoln County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

  • Coordinate and assist with the implementation of fuel reduction programs in Lincoln County

  • Assist with local wildfire prevention efforts with the Northwest Montana NRCG

  • Assist local fire departments and wildland fire agencies as requested

  • Coordinate fuel treatment opportunities between agencies and landowners as requested

  • Provide governance to the City of Libby as a FireWise Community

  • Assist with planning and implementation of fuel reduction projects as requested

  • Procure grants/funding that can help meet established goals listed above

  • Assist with updating Lincoln County CWPP